054 The Job Blues: When You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling For Your Work

When you are in a situation where things just aren’t right, and you feel out of place, that’s when you may have lost that loving feeling for your work.

Learn strategies from Andrew and Scott to cope with that feeling for positive change.

Don’t miss these Topics:

  • Satisfaction versus Dissatisfaction
  • How to Change Your current situations
  • Advocating for your own happiness at work
  • The Role of Networking in finding satisfaction
  • Simple strategies for keeping track of what you love doing

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00:00 – 05:05

Welcome to job seekers radio. I’m Andrew and I’m Scott. This production is meant to provide meaningful support to fight great careers faster and that’s whether you’re working or not today on job seekers radio were opening the door on reality yeah. There’s situations where you’re working at a company and you just lost that loving that loving delia unfortunately unfortunately it happens to most people if not everyone at some point in their careers. You’re in a job. Maybe it started out as your dream job. Things were looking great and then something changed because nothing lasts forever right so maybe it was your our best boss ever hired you into the job and helped you learn the things you need to do and that person moved on and the new boss doesn’t care whatever the situation is you get into that position where you’re maybe you’re burned out here for whatever reason you’re not enjoying working there anymore. It’s normal satisfaction dissatisfaction. Yeah some of this has to do with external forces but your ownership of satisfaction dissatisfaction will depend on on your ability to say yes or not thing and often when I found is in fact. I’m in a situation now where yes I’m doing a lot of the work that I love but I’m not getting enough of it or I’m not being paid what I feel. I’m more all these things so really this this. The idea of resentment comes in we talked about that a little bit prior to coming on air there there are some things and the thing is I want to give the qualifier. This can happen regardless of your position. I have known people who are the top person at their company who also get dissatisfied for some reason. We have to understand that this is a human thing then we’re not going to be supremely happy all day every day for the balance of our careers. It’s it’s not possible for that to really happen unless controlled rolled substance. Let’s Lo we’re going to set that aside. Okay but there are things that we can do to actually help us sort of keep our minds on the positive going down. The negative road is easy. People describe it as a slippery slope. It’s normal. There’s a problem with that. If for no other reason that you then start to bring other people with you and you can lose those professional relationships if you’re always complaining about something if you’re looking looking at different speeds satisfaction disatisfaction whatever your thinking about whatever you are looking for. You’re gonNA find it so I think it’s really important to start looking for the things that bring you happiness that bring you satisfaction Atas faction focus on the things that you like about the work that you do and as you continue to keep that in your focus you will attract more of that into your existence even documented we get to the valley so to speak and and we’re resentful fool. We don’t know why we’re doing this. Nothing’s going our way and we have you know we know there were days where things were much better but we didn’t take the time to actually document what they were in what we were doing in why shorted liked to those things and if you’re not a journal nature because some people keep journals all the time they that’s how they process. They’re thinking I personally. I’ve started many journals and brearley finish them. I don’t keep up with it because that’s not how I process to your point. If I am paying attention to things that I really love to do and I’m writing those down. I can’t come back to that list and remind myself these things that in the past have brought me a sense of satisfaction what on that list can I do today and and there’s a process that we go through it came up at my current job just yesterday about the love it and low the lists and so as you’re looking at the work that you’re doing take a moment to write down the things that you love doing go ahead ahead. Write down the things that you love doing you can keep the balance on the stuff you love and if there is so much of the stuff that you loathe on your list that you have to do everyday have a conversation with your supervisor whoever that manager may be to try and shift the balance back to the things that you love because I found in many cases. The manager wants you to be happy. They want you to be engaged. They want you to be satisfied in the work that if you’re doing so that you continue to be productive even more important Scott is when you get a new manager in that’s the source of your change. You probably want to be proactive in having a conversation about that so that you saw yourself up for success absolutely because often it’s the leadership that changes in your like holy crap this. This ship is going to different direction is does that mean for me. What does that mean for me? Should I hold that new manager who has just changed everything at arm’s length. Thanks or should I put my pride aside and go talk to this person and make sure I’m developing a professional relationship.

05:06 – 10:01

That’s beneficial for both of us right. I remember early in my career. I had that opportunity with a new boss. I let her know that there were a few people who are I’m going to be willing to tell her the truth about what really happens here and I let her know some of the things that had not been so positive. Guess what I didn’t get to keep that job very long. If instead I had gone to her and said these are the things that I love to do these are might strengths. I look forward to working with you on deploying the against those strengths doing the things that I love. I would have had a very different experience with that new. Boss isn’t that interesting how things work out because because if I come in the her first conversation I’m telling her all the negative stuff that’s the impression I just red flag up big time read fitness. Now that can work both ways of course right is that there might be something that they’re saying is negative and you’re not is still l.. Say State positive positive okay so if you’re in that situation and you feel like the loving feeling is maybe fading or going away. Those are some strategies to think about at some point you might WanNa consider something else outside the company and in that case it takes a a lot of energy it sure does let’s be honest. You’re working hard. We all have things going on in our lives. <hes> I have commitments with my family with my church with my job of course and also my own private practice. Yes I have all these is different commitments. How do I fif- job search inside of that? Well the one thing that I it was actually my brother that gave me the advice many many years ago we make time to do the things that are important to us and the the other side if that is if you’re not making the time it’s not important enough to you and that’s fine but the honest about that be honest with yourself that I’m not getting another job because I’m not putting the time and energy into getting another job. That’s on me. It’s not on anybody else if I own that and I think okay I see that I’m not doing this and it’s important enough for me to do it. I will make the time the time isn’t going to make itself along those lines. We need to be willing to make a commitment to something Georgia somebody or to something and adding a job search into your process means you’re going to have to make margin somewhere and that means something or somebody has to give and having those conversations wins and blocking that time off in your calendar blocking the time. There’s a reason why we procrastinate now part for me. Personally I deliberately procrastinate things to a certain extent because deadlines helped me focus and when I know I have to have something done by Friday at three P._M.. And it’s Wednesday my brain starts to focus on what it is that I need to do so that I get that done on time on Friday and it works very well for me. I’m almost always days on time and I’m always on time if I have all the control over what’s what’s happening right then when it’s time for me to look for another job I’m putting off putting in those applications. I’m not putting in the same kind of energy and I it can give you all laundry list of reasons why do that. The problem is not committed to the job search so this is where getting that personal commitment to blocking in the time and making good on that for myself. That’s the only way I’m going to make that progress rest and I’m not saying this just because I am an executive career coach hiring somebody like me to force that accountability that discipline is not a bad strategy it. It’ll help you accelerate the process. If is something you really want. You should probably invest money in that kind of activity. It’s something to consider for sure and consistently without fail in the career transition work done where people have been laid off the number one thing bar none that they regret not doing is networking networking and keeping in touch and maintaining relationships with people not only inside their org but outside their org right and they make a commitment at that point that is the thing they’re not going to ever stop doing and this also is going to help you in many other ways especially if you’ve lost that loving feeling for the job you currently have generally most jobs that I’m aware of there is some group whether that’s a national association a local networking group whatever it is that it meets in your area fairly regularly go to those meetings the more often you go. The more they see you the more they will trust you the more they will talk to you. This can actually help keep you from getting mentally and emotionally emotionally exhausted as you’re looking for work not because the effort in going to these meetings doesn’t exhaust you can if you go to enough of them. It’s the meeting the interesting people who are talking about things other than what you just did today the menial. Menial tasks that you went through.

10:01 – 15:04

They’re not gonNA ask about that. It gives you something other than the things. You don’t like to talk about and it’s going to help you through. This often happens. When you have a new leader? There’s a new focus and some new cultural components that cut her and I found that often a lot of this loving feeling comes from the fact that there’s not alignment between it is the way right the philosophies and the ethics. This is then a great opportunity for you to document again Dan here. I am documenting. Maybe that’s in your own personal notebook in evernote a one note I send yourself any I send myself emails to send yourself an email to your private email address. Just start documenting all the things that you like about the culture you want to be in and and sometimes when that’s missing that’s when you figure it out and as you’re documenting this document the things that make you procrastinator or document your reasons for not doing things because if you can look at those objectively you can also look at the ones that are really legitimate and those that aren’t and get rid of the ones that aren’t so for example if really the reason why not moving forward in my job searches because I’m not committed to it. I can own that but sometimes does it takes that kind of documentation to see it. You have to make a commitment to yourself to do more and documented it will help you not only with processing but it’s also going to help you identify potential opportunities shore. It’s also GONNA help you. Hey what should I put on my resume. How should I modify Lincoln? See the thing is the little steps you take during the process isn’t going to be a big process when you decide to leave their or get laid off or get fired <hes> because you’re not performing well because you’ve lost that loving feeling and it’s impacting your performance. We talked about resentment and how that begins. Does it begin before things get boring or whatever it is or do they happen because while I think that’s going to depend on the person if you are taking a proactive approach to make sure that your networking is happening that you’re looking at the things that you enjoy that you’re documenting ways to actually keep your focus on what works and what’s going to move forward. The resentment generally doesn’t come up quite so much now. There will be moments especially if it’s one of those things where I put in so much time and energy and I’m not paid when I need to survive. That’s going to be a different conversation. If we’re talking about aligning what we’re doing with what we want to do and make sure toward the attention is on the positives were far more likely to have positive outcomes and the reason that that resentment can overwhelm you is when you feel like you don’t have control when we take control of something as simple as meaning a person outside the company or hang having a coffee with an old colleague or then we’re in control of something. That’s a really that we’re taking a positive step constructively to build something better for ourselves and part of that is maybe changing our mindset <hes> and and having some goals when we go through a career transition and we ended up at the new place where like yeah I made it and then we stop we stop dreaming or planning the next thing or or mapping it out. We start over again <unk>. I tell people all the time it’s okay to arrest. It’s okay. Don’t stay there. Don’t stop entirely. Take a breath. Take a week. Take a month whatever it is but make commitment to yourself to get back in the networking game name. You can change what you’re working for so for example. If I was never came to find a job I find a job now. I want to network inside my company one to find out what really happens not just what they told me during the interview process. How do things really happen on the inside? What is it take to be happy and successful in the company? The sooner you learn that the easier it is to navigate as your career bills within that organization if you wait until until it happens to you you’re probably going to find out too late but these are always you can make sure that you continue in your alignment that your mindset is what you need it to be and to course correct earlier in the process rather than wait and react because generally you you have less to work with if you’re finding out after the fact plan your next three to five years. Even if you decide that in three to five years I wanna be retired that could be an outcome great or in three three to five years. I want to move from senior manager to Director Plan something and talked to supervisors not necessarily yours unless that you’ve got that good of a relationship but make sure that you’re getting advice from someone higher higher up in the company that can help you navigate that because that’s not into whether it’s a mentor or just a political ally. These are things that are going to help you but it’s going to keep your mindset open now for those who don’t have. Have work or really feel stuck in their job.

15:04 – 20:05

<hes> changing the mindset I I had done this personally where I actually on my way to work in the morning. I noticed that I was getting of angry. Really I was working for very difficult person. She was not at all supportive. The the way she defined success was whether you were sitting at your desk but she never gave feedback positive or negative really about the work that I did or anything and it was incredibly frustrating. So I was getting angry. I started thinking one morning about because I just bought a lottery ticket. What would I do if I won the lottery and of course there were one hundred million something hundreds it’s of millions of dollars at stake great and I knew I was going to win the lottery? Then I had the ticket. What would I do with that money and what I discovered was? I actually felt better. It improved my mood so from then on but if ever I started feeling down about the work that I was doing or the the the people that I was working with her for I think about what I would do if I won the lottery. Where would that money go? Who could I be helping? Why could I be doing that would be fun and interesting and not only does that? Give me out of the doldrums but it also puts me back in alignment with what are my values. What are my goals whether the things that I enjoy doing it opens your mind and take that perspective even if you let’s say you went from senior manager to Director Great? was that the end or as V._p.. Next do you WANNA use more of your time energy in dollars in philanthropy whatever that is have something that you’re pursuing because that gives you a sense of purpose and a sense of control that here I have something that I’m working on the project and that three to five year plan whatever that is for you have something out there. That’s really driving you. I come back to the idea of Oh. I hate that interview question about what where do you see yourself in five years. I think that’s a good question alive and Kickin Yeah. You know what I’m saying yeah. If you have a goal for yourself you see yourself in the future and you can articulate that to other people. They’re far more likely to follow you or or to put you in a leadership position. If if that’s not what you WANNA. Do you want to be the worker bee. That’s fine. That’s great. What does that look like for you? What drives you what are your motivations? Whether the things that allying with your values that actually help you find the work that you want to do these are things we need to be able to communicate and when you document those you need no what they are in. You’re able to communicate those two people. It’s funny what happens there. You know what could happen is. Hey somebody notices you at work and sees you have that skill and they want you to use it more. Wow I’m in. I’m now an advocate for my own inspired future. It could be somebody outside. The organization saw you at an industry event and they invite you in for an interview right these happen. These things happen yeah. Get out there. Do the things that you love doing doing be sure you know what you love doing right out that love it low the list or journal whatever works for you document the things that you’re doing make sure that you’re taking an active approach to having a positive positive open mindset. I think you’re going to have a better time of your work. If you have lost that feeling in the advice I would have is blocked time every day for yourself for your career for something. It doesn’t have to be a lot got thirty minutes a day. What’s thirty minutes a day? You probably waste more time on facebook than thirty minutes a day and this is going to have a bigger return on investment than that inver sure and so that would be the first thing block off that time for for yourself and the other thing is make sure you know what’s next for you. What is next for you well? That’ll do it for this episode of Job Seekers Radio Way would invite you to go to job seekers radio DOT COM forward slash zero five four and get those show notes. There’s a whole bunch of information there. That’s going to help you also there. We have a free resource download the anatomy of networking conversation it’s Johnnie Book that Andrew and I put together just for you and I can’t think of a resource more important to finding that loving feeling again then the anatomy of a networking conversation. It’s going to help you through the step by step on how to make that a reality for you you we thank you again for joining us for this episode of Job Seekers Radio Scott Ni- both appreciate your investment of time and attentions greatly appreciated head on over to itunes in fact that linked is right there on your phone in the show notes. Go Go ahead and subscribe to get future episodes and while you’re there would you please rate in review. This podcast really be a valuable feedback for us to know that we’re on track or if there’s any topics that you want us to cover that we haven’t covered it already right in that review of their questions that you have or issues that you want us to talk about.

20:05 – 20:14

Let us know that too. We really enjoy addressing the needs of our listeners. We want to hear from you well. This is Andrew and I’m Scott until next time.

Anatomy of a Networking Conversation

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