Having confusion and doubt about what jobs are available for your skills is normal. Discovering how to find the “right” position that leverages all your strengths requires deliberate planning and self awareness.
Andrew and Scott discuss ideas around finding what jobs you would be qualified for and how to find them.
Don’t miss these Topics:
- How to determine if you are a fit, or not
- Finding roles and job postings that align with your strengths
- Feeling qualified versus being qualified
- Relative accuracy of job postings online
Resources (including affiliate links)
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0:00 – 05:07
Jobseeker’s radio. I’m Andrew and I’m Scott. This production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to land, great careers faster. And that’s why they’re you’re working or not today on job seekers radio. We’re talking about what job. Am. I really qualified for this is coming from the perspective. Scott of situations where I’ve had candidates, they come to me. They have a list of stuff, right? Skills, strengths experiences education all that. And they don’t know where they fit in the marketplace. And so this podcast episode is revolving around, how do I understand based on my current situation? What I’m qualified for in the marketplace. Maybe I’d been in a role or a company for a long time. Right. Whatever that long time means so they’re two prongs to this. First of all, there are those who they know the. Kind of job, they want, but they don’t think they’re fully qualified for it, but there’s also what do I do, when I just don’t know where to go, and we’ve, we’ve already talked and prior podcasts about how do you make choices about career and how do I pick a direction, and we can refer back to those prior podcasts for some of that thinking, but really, how do I determine what I’m qualified for? I will always direct clients back to what you want to do with what really drives you? And if there are several different things that drive you several kinds of work, then pick one, try decide, what that looks like what the end result might be. And then we can talk about how do you qualify currently. And how do you build skills to increase that qualification? But all of that is workable. We had talked, I think before the podcast came. On I might’ve even shared this in a prior episode. But there was some research done that said the odds of getting an interview are the same. If you meet fifty percent of the requirements versus about ninety percent there was no recognizable increase in your ability to gain from blind application. Of course, is we’re not talking networking at this time. But I think that’s validation for me that anything is possible. I would agree. And I encourage you, if we focus on what Scott said, we just talk about the drivers things we wanna do often our audience, the hiring team whoever it is were talking to about our drivers are going to say, I think you’re a fit for this, okay? Now, I just had somebody validate first person what my drivers are translating to in their organization. And I think it’s really important before you. You go into any kind of employment conversation is to know what those drivers. Are you have to be able to speak clearly concisely about what matters to you with right? If you don’t know what you’re looking for. That’s gonna show through. I mean, in our breakfast club meeting, we’ve had people come in, and, and we ask at the beginning, okay, what’s your story, and we have them start talking about what they’ve done in the past with they’re looking for in the future. And neither of us get and ideas of what they actually want to do. And I’m I’m hard pressed to help someone who is just standing there. Wait at saying, tell me what to do. I can’t. If someone doesn’t have the ability to talk at least about, what is it that they’re working on in the moment or these are the things that drive me? And I’m looking for work that will fulfill these and give me an idea of what their future could look like I’m not sure. I’m going to be able to connect those dots with anything. I might have within my organization, and that that’s an issue and it’s funny. You mentioned that because I remember this week in breakfast club. There was a gentleman there that just kept talking about all the things he had done. It wasn’t until we uncovered his interest in fixing things and coffee. I like fixing things. I like coffee. I said, why don’t you just go do that? Right. He had a long history of working in technology or remember what I’d have to go look it up. But right. A long history in something that really wasn’t inspiring me to connect him to an opportunity in that domain. Well, and has faced let lead up when you said, why don’t you do that? I don’t think the thought had never crossed his mind part of what we wanna do in. This episode is to turn that line on. What do you wanna do? Right. What, what motivates you to get out of bed to get out of the house, whatever analogy? Gee metaphor.
05:07 – 10:06
You want to use. The idea is, you’ve got to be clear on that, or at least on part of that, that gives you the ability to speak clearly about it. Because now I can as you’re talking to me start connecting dots on what could you do for my organization, do I know anybody that you could be helping that sort of thing, because that’s what networking is about. Once you have that, then you can start looking at, what are the things that I have expertise him went to have education in, and it doesn’t have to be direct as long as it gives you some facility within the role that you would be playing when you look at the job description in a job posting, I’m here to tell you, I know HR professionals who will be cringing, if they hear this, because it’s an indictment of their work, but I’ve worked at for many year truth is the truth. Yeah. Most of the time, I’ll just leave it vague with most out of respect for them, most of the time, the job description, you re read in a job posting is written by HR who knows very little about what goes into that role. Because most of the time, hiring managers, those who have the position open don’t take the time to write it themselves. They have a better idea of what that role actually does in a day in the life. Right. And even then many of those managers have never paid attention to what that role actually did because how many times and I, I’m going through this right now with a couple of clients. They aren’t aware of all of the things that their employees are actually doing because they think, oh, well, this is his job description. They’re doing so much more. And I tell those employee’s, right. You’re right. Your own job description, take that to your boss and say this. This is what I actually do. Because it when you leave they won’t know coming back to when you’re reading the giants doesn’t get to that point. Maybe you present that and they actually give you a raise be nice. But the thing is what you’re reading in that job posting a wish-list and nothing more, I have yet to take a job. Whether it says, a consultant or as full-time employees, I have yet to take a job where what I was doing actually fit the job description completely, and I’m old enough to see. This is an ongoing thing. It’s not anything new. No. And it’s funny that you mention that because I have seen in this is an indictment on HR. They have a hard job, of course, recruitment function gets a lot of heat in direction. Yup. From both directions. And so this is an indictment we recognize difficult job, and that they’re covering a lot of. Administrative functions. There also having so many candidates for every role. It’s hard. I get it. It’s funny though, when I go to some of these postings, that I see I can tell which part is HR half, and which part is it, and I’m like, okay, you read enough of these things, and you can encourage your candidates, people that are out looking for, which on my qualified for, and you’ll start to notice, there’s maybe either at the top, or at the bottom, they’re short sentences that are from the hiring manager, right? You just notice because different language. Yes, it’s for fail. Yeah. Yup. And focusing on that stuff. Well, and for those who really don’t have that sense they either haven’t paid that kind of attention, or they don’t feel confident that they’re reading this is where job coaches really can help because you have that already that skill already developed, so you can actually help them walk through that, too. Identify what, what is real? And what is fluff? It’s one of those things where what do I buy? I Carter the horse honestly doesn’t matter as long as you get both there, there’s a lot to be said for this and having been in the HR field for as long as I have I hold myself to a higher standard than what I hold others, too. But that’s because that’s how I grow if I’m talking to somebody who isn’t truly sure that they qualify. My advice is apply. Anyway. There are two things that can happen. And let’s say you get the interview if you don’t get the interview you’re out, nothing than the time and energy took to apply if you do get the interview, and you don’t feel like you are qualifications. Are spot on ask about what are the expectations of this role K so you can continue to make that evaluation. Talk about the things that you are qualified to do and show interest in a because I.
10:06 – 15:00
Can train you on the stuff? You don’t know how to do. I can’t train you on your attitude and the funny thing is you’d be surprised how many times opposing is on the internet. That was just copy and paste from the last time they did the hiring, and that’s nothing comparable to job that the person is somebody leaves hiring manager doesn’t really have an HR person. They can rely on God forbid, and they put the posting out on linked in or something would it is just a copy. And paste from the old one is not what they’re expecting is just. They needed to get something out there. It’s entirely possible that let’s say best case scenario. The the original job description was accurate. The chances are pretty good that that job has evolved over time to if it’s been a couple months, there suddenly having to redo it, and there are other issues to talk about the evolution of the job needs to be indicated in the job description. If you’re aware of at or maybe you just walk in with the assumption that job description isn’t going to be as accurate as it could be. You can ask how has this position of all over the last five years now you’re gonna get an idea of the ability of the hiring manager to describe the day in the life. And that is really important information for you so that you can then determine how qualified you actually are. And you can get their driver’s hiring managers drive very true. Whether you’re interviewing or networking, we’re never looks like what are their drivers? What is important to them out of the all the myriad things on that job description that they need? And then you can make a decision. Does that line up with my drivers or you could take that same job, description and say, yes, it’s evolved, but here’s what I also bring to the table. Here’s hi can take that position to a new level this morning alignment with what I really, really wanna do. Especially when you can say what, what, what I really wanna do aligns with what you want to do. Or want me to do downs a good one. Yeah. Seriously? Because when we think about that. I need to express what my drivers are when my style purposes. What, what my values are I need to make those really clear, but they are looking for someone who is going to match theirs in his human nature. We are all self driven. There is nothing. There’s no judgment in that statement. We all have to answer the question. How does this affect me as we look at that as a valid concern? I can now answer that of the interviewer, these are my values and this is how I see my values aligning with yours. So the, my contribution is going to be furthering, your cultural values because if I don’t make that connection and I just assumed they’re going to make that I’m leaving that within their control. And then when I don’t hear back from them. I don’t know. I need to be interviewing the interviewer. I need to make sure that this is a good fit for me. As well as I’m being a good fit for them. It has to be a two way street. And it’s interesting. You mention that because I’m seeing some evolution in certain companies on how they’re interviewing people to eliminate bias in the process. They’re actually having people that aren’t in that group. Do the interviewing that’s interest, which is really interesting. Right. So they wanna see a fit for role outside of the politics and the prejudice of that group. That’s a really good good mindset. I, I just ran recently about a manager leader who has thrown the whole formatted interview out the window and instead he brainstorms with candidates. He brings them into room with a whiteboard hands than the pan and says, talk to me how you would approach solving this problem. He gives them a problem that actually existent one that they found a solution for. But how would you love this? Because now you’re getting a really good idea of how this person thinks what their values are in terms of their contributions. And it gives you a really clear idea of what’s it gonna be like to work with this person? And what I liked about that I wouldn’t throw the whole structured interview out the window as he did the role. He was looking to fill actually that, that applied. I look at this as how can I add value to the interview process, because I want to know how that person works that person thinks how they approach a potential problem or something for which is solution is necessary if I know what my values are, and I can see them in this other person as the wheels are turning their head. I’m gonna get a truer version of that person than just the interview would show. Right.
15:00 – 20:08
And that’s really how we would establish whether or not we’re qualified for role precise. Actually go through that interview process. Engage in the networking poll, your audience. I think what most people are struggling with when they say that question is do, I really wanna spend time to pursue something else for which I don’t know whether or not in col-, right? Is maybe a heart issue that anything it’s the heart issue. But there’s also that group who may lack confidence, or they don’t know how qualified, they actually are so going to the interview going through the process, and that can be a mock interview with, with a coach go through the interviewing process because you’ll be surprised at what you actually can do. If you just allow yourself to do it just giving that story out of yourself and on paper or verbalized, or expressed, as you said earlier is really important and therapeutic process for you to determine if it’s a hard thing or not. Well, and as I say, you light up that is what’s going to get to hire you, you one hundred percent qualified and really difficult to work with. And I will I don’t wanna hire you. I wanna hire the person who has fifty percent of the qualifications. The drive and the passion and the interest in the curiosity, and, and the positively to see them stretch. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean thinking about that as the hiring manager, if I could help someone Grosz that brings me joy as well. There’s so much more to it. Don’t not apply. Because you don’t think you have the qualifications probably better than you think. Well, it’s also not ignore Scott. The a number of the folks listening to this podcast might be different cultural backgrounds. Sure, what I found is some cultural backgrounds they don’t feel worthy because they feel that they should have all the skills before they take on a job. I can appreciate that. I don’t know how realistic that is because qualifications come with experience. So if you’re not in a position, that’s. Giving you the experience that you need in order to say you’re qualified. I don’t know how you can never get there. That’s the catch twenty two but I do recognize acknowledged that there are especially in high context cultures that there are certain expectations that the culture says you shouldn’t have to be told this, you should know this, and they’re many cultures outside of the United States where that is absolutely true. I would never so admitting you’re wrong or don’t have an answer is not something, they’re gonna say, right. Yeah, but there are ways to communicate that even. So you need experience in order to say you’re qualified. And so maybe there’s a different way to approach that whether that’s through apprenticeships or through a strength assignment or riot project. Whenever that might look like I will tell you in those high context cultures. There’s also the belief that it is our role as individuals to help other succeed that transcends all. Cultures. If you take that mindset that I am going to help the person who is least qualified to become qualified. I will still higher that least qualified person. So there is a way to do it, regardless of culture, I can’t tell you what’s going to be right for you. Self limiting behavior limits. Only yourself. I really appreciate that Scott because I think what I’d hearing from you to is that the soft skills. The ones you overlook might be the ones that actually get you the job, even though you feel in your heart or your mind or whatever that you’re tangible technical skills. Your direct transferable skills may not be up to snuff if you have these soft skills, good attitude, hard-working, write these things that are just not measurable on a job description or resume offering that you have a higher probability of getting that I would agree because. You can demonstrate that in the interview whether or not they have you go through the motions of doing the job. And I know there are some jobs where they actually take you through test environment of some fashion, you know, and that, that’s fine. That’s probably very important for those roles so many of them don’t, and you have the opportunity to demonstrate those soft skills, and some technical skills, where you are captivating, their interests. That’s the sweet spot. Because now you have an ability to show them how you work. How you think how what drives you and you can establish your contribution to their organization in that moment? Don’t think that you’re not qualified for a role. That’s the first step, this step second step is then to find what kinds of jobs, you are qualified for and that process can be a little more pragmatic, I think, is that once you start cataloging all your.
20:08 – 22:56
Strengths all your skills. All things you enjoy doing leaving out the stuff that soul-sucking, right. Right. We talked about that on the dream job podcast just before this one. But the idea being that by knowing what that is, you have a chance, then to go find it. Go ask people, they’re doing that kind of work. How did they get? There was their career path. What advice would they have for you? You’re working on a project, right? We talked about all these components that surround this on every single podcast episode that we’ve done and often were just trying to position it in a different way, so that we can help you as a listener. Get there actually have success in this process. I do think that it’s important to be authentic and what you’re doing if you really don’t know what your next steps to be, or you’re lost in, in your search this time to either turn to your network or get a job coach and help. To make the decisions on how to take the next step. It’s not that anybody’s going to tell you what steps to take. But you may meet some encouragement in choosing one and taking it. And whatever that looks like I just just do it. Well, in the one tool that you might want to rely on is the networking at any and many people just don’t know how to do the networking piece. The good news is, we have a free resource for that. We sure do it’s called the Nazi of networking conversation. And you can download that on our website for free. You’re welcome moved on that just for you just for you. Scott nine put that together. It’s a free resource a gift for you. Please go to job seekers. Radio dot com. Download that free resource that does it for this episode of job seekers radio. We wanna thank you for joining us on this episode. We acknowledged that you’ve put in an investment of time, and attention, and we really appreciate this. You can get all the show notes and research. Sources at seekers radio dot com forward slash zero four seven while you’re there. There’s actually a link in the show notes for you to click on itunes, you can hop on over there. Give us a quick rate and review. It’s a great way for us to get feedback so that we can make this better production better podcast for you. And it also helps get the word out that were actually out there doing these. We, we wanna make sure that you are getting something value. So we really do appreciate the feedback. Well, I’m Andrew and I’m Scott until next time. Let’s remember that you’re only under qualified or not qualified. If you think so, that’s so don’t let yourself stop yourself.