064 How Do I Know What Job To Apply For

With millions of jobs posted online and available at all times, it’s hard to know what jobs to apply for (or not). Not to mention the when and the why!

Scott and Andrew discuss the strategies around applying for the right jobs.

Don’t miss these Topics:

  • Value of assessments.
  • Effective ways to find jobs.
  • How to keep track of what resume you sent to which company and role.
  • Power of instant gratification.
  • Using creativity to understand different perspectives.

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00:00:05 – 00:05:02

welcome to Job Seekers Radio I’ve Andrew and I’m Scott this production. His Mentor provide meaningful support to you the listener to find great careers faster. And that’s whether you’re working or not. Today’s episode is brought to you by the Anatomy of the networking conversation book. It’s a free resource. We have available for you to download at job. SEEKERS RADIO DOT COM go there today. Download is free. It’s free and it’s an e book that we put together a little while ago that we’ve found to be very helpful to people who who really want to look at networking and expanding their network. The big question we’re talking about today is how do I know what job to apply for when I look at the multitude of positions that are out there. It’s really hard hard to figure to pick and choose which ones to apply for because there are so many in fact when at the time were recording. This they’re seven million postings on just on linked it alone. I’ve loved this question and I get asked this from time to time simply because people don’t know how to do the job search. It’s not that they don’t know what job they want they do. They just haven’t figured out how to get there but I always come back with the question. What kind of job do you WANNA do? What Work Inspires you? What motivates you? What makes you feel like? Wow I get to go to do this job today. Certainly there is a finite number of jobs that does that that for you so start there and then you can start doing searches either on Lincoln or elsewhere to find out what jobs do that kind of work and start exploring. It’s often that I hear this question. Scott when someone is focused just on title and the title doesn’t always translate relate to the type of work they WANNA DO Company to company. It’s called something different exactly so that may that does make it more difficult. However if you’re looking at the skills kills you want to use in different jobs it opens up more doors that way within your search first step that we both recommend we talked about this? A lot is is identifying your strengths. Right so finding the strengths I will allow you to find titles. And that’s how I look I. I would encourage everybody on the podcast broadcasting listening determine what is it that you love to do more than anything professionally speaking. Of course. I like to play golf right. Take a walk. There are ways to even make that. What professional work? How would you do for example? Okay so you WanNa play you love playing golf and you like being around golfers you like the environment on on the golf course. You’re probably not going to get into the ranks of professional golfers that are making a living especially those making millions just playing playing golf right but there are so many jobs at the at the golf courses or if you like retail those who sell golf equipment and supplies apparel and all these things there are so many auxiliary jobs or ancillary jobs that actually ty to your passion and I’d say that’s a really good place to start if it’s not retail that you WanNa do you know that’s not your realm okay. What’s the manufacturing side looking like How can you get involved with people who are making the products tour or designing the services that go around there walking the dog? I actually you have a friend. He had corporate job. He wasn’t happy in it and then he had some health issues that took him out of the workforce for awhile when it was time to get back on his feet. He had healed field from the physical issues. He didn’t want to go back to the career he had had before. He’s now a professional dog walker. Is that a high paying job. No as you work through that and you’re working up your network you can actually start targeting the kinds of clients that will pay you more and he is making a decent living doing it. There are ways that you can take what you’re passionate about and make it into a job really quite directly. I heard something there that is really helpful full to me in probably a lot of people on the podcast. And that is determining what you love to do is one part of it determining how you like to do it or how you love executing on. That is something I think. A lot of people miss and so yes. I like to walk my dog but I like to do that in solitude while all. I’m listening to an audio book. Right and so part of that is okay now. I know how I like to deliver the the dog walk. That’s just an example. Now you just opened up another other ideas so I love listening to audio books. Assuming that every audio book is narrated by the author. Do you have A voice that lends itself to recording audiobooks. And how could you make that a job so that you’re you’re actually helping other other people enjoy the same thing you enjoy.

00:05:02 – 00:10:01

Is that a direct correlation. Maybe not you’re still involved so there are all sorts of things that you can start to explore. Is that going to. It’d be a fulltime job. Who knows and who are who are the companies that do that kind of work right? There’s actually I think a company in Ashland Oregon where they have the Shakespearean Festival estival. And what they do is when it’s the offseason all of these actors these Shakespearean actors which have these really interesting voices. They actually narrate the dramatic matic version of a lot of different audiobooks. And then they sell those online. That’s fantastic and I think you know. So thinking creatively sometimes is hard for people when they see the the carrot right there on Lincoln when they want to apply and they feel like they have to apply or they get into. I don’t know what it is about social media I am. I’m sure they have people working. There used to work at casinos. I’ve seen this before. So the casinos actually have people that Do Psychological analysis on. How do you get people to spend more money in the consume and so then they create video poker in these different things to increase increase? Somebody’s attention span for a long time on that thing and we know that social media does that those who provide it whether it’s facebook or any of the others they’re all trying to keep your attention longer and longer longer so he spent more time there presumably so that you buy more things through their advertising which sure okay yeah. We’ll we’ll set that part of the conversation aside. I think part of it has to be that instant gratification idea of. It’s much more complicated rated than that sounds the idea is we need to get that job now. I need to be applying for those jobs. I need to be looking for the things that are actually going to get me somewhere and I don’t have time time to think about the things that I love doing and why I love doing them and how I would do it. Well the way I look at that is this is your personal investment in your own career. If you’re not taking the time to figure out why you love doing what you do why you would want to continue doing that as a career or a part of that within the job. If you’re you’re not figuring that out you’re actually not setting yourself up to have a good interview when I can tell someone. This is why I want to work for you. Because you’re going to be able to trigger all these things that I love doing. I as an employer will think I’d like to hire that person because they are already going to be satisfied just by taking this job. I don’t have to convince them them of any of that. When we’re talking about finding out your strengths? We’re looking at those things that you do. Well that you enjoy doing one of the points I wanNa make on finding ending your strengths. There are actually books out there that will help you do that. One that I can’t come up first with is strengths finder which some of our listeners know about about. Maybe there are others. Who Don’t but every book that you buy in? It’s not an expensive book. But everyone gives you a unique link to taking an assessment. I’m a big believer lever in personal assessments. That are validated and reliable valid in the sense that they are going to accomplish what they say they’re going going to. They’re going to measure whatever it. Is there a lot of them out there. Anything that is free. You have to remember you get which pay for but if you’re paying for this book the chances are pretty good. That you’re you’re GONNA get a reliable assessment and I happen to feel very strongly positively towards the strengths finder. So you take the assessment. It tells you what your strengths are. Based on the way you took the assessment and then it actually talks about how you can utilize these strengths in your life. Presumably in your work if I I go into an interview and I’ve chosen something that I think is going to hang my triggers right based on my strength. I can talk to that hiring manager of the recruiter about the reasons why I want to work for that company in particular. Because as we’ve said in other podcasts you wanted to research you gotta figure out why this would would be a good fit. Because if you don’t do do your homework then they’re not going to take seriously if you know what your strengths are and you can speak intelligently about them. You’re actually giving yourself a leg up as you’re researching your strengths. Then you’re also going to be able to correlate that with the jobs that you’re looking for based on the the skills that those jobs say they’re going to be using the you’re looking at things from different perspectives. The Nice thing about strengths finder and the other one I recommended ended is a standout both have been influenced by Marcus Buckingham. And we’ll put those in the show notes links to those. The thing I like about both of those does is it gives you a set of language you can use when you’re talking to co workers or you’re going to an interview or you’re crafting your linked in profile or your put together a resume resume. Guess what you have a list of key words that describe who you are and I know that tailoring that language to a certain degree to the audience audience is a good idea.

00:10:01 – 00:15:02

It gives you a starting point and the Nice thing about that is we often talk on this podcast about brand and the Nice thing about these different assessments commits. Is You get to overlay your skill with a little bit of this branding language like for me. My top strength is learner and analytical right right no figure learner analytical now can take the language that you you know you open the book and it has a whole bunch of things there. Does this describe you. And there’s a whole page or more of things that describe you and it’s like that’s me that’s me and there’s a whole list of words you can grab and say. Yep that’s the one that describes me. I now put that on my folder. My my certainly onto your catalog it somewhat sure and when you start putting these things in the resume that you have a Lincoln Lincoln and can actually do some of the research for are you because it’s going to try to as long as you set up a job search function within the the site it now will match your resume based on those keywords to the jobs that come up. That’s another way to bring into your news feed so to speak the different positions. That may be a good match for you. Then once we have the language these words so to speak we can make some choices sir. We can start prioritizing that list we can do keyword searches on that list. We can identify companies companies titles. We can identify people that are using the same language that describe me and we can reach out to them and have a good conversation. Why because it’s likely we feel the same way or see the same perspective and add the same values so that would be a good conversation and if you’re going to link with someone on unlinked that you don’t know it’s always a good way to start out by telling them why his if you use your desktop to to get into Lincoln you will be able to to find a way to send them a message you don’t have to pay for it is just you can send a message that personalizes your connection request and you tell them? Hey Hey I saw on your linked profile that these are the things that you’re discussing or interested in or these are your skills and I’d like to have more conversation around that I think that’s a great great way to meet people to expand your network and to be talking about things that you’re actually passionate about. This allows you also to identify those jobs because now now I’m reaching out to a person who might be working at a company and I can see what title do they have scenario kind of put all these somewhat disparate. And maybe we sometimes esoteric words that describe me but lo and behold this person shows up and now I can look at their profile. Look at what they’re doing and ask some questions about how. How did you get into that business? What skills are required to be good at what you do and it doesn’t have to be someone local no? This isn’t trying to get the job from that person. This is just about talking to people who have similar skills or interests. And what have they done with that. Because that’s going to help you answer the question. What job you apply for? And then you’ve got all all the information you need to be successful. You know a person on the inside. You know the company you’ve had a good conversation. They recognized that you might be a fit for a role they might even ask view to apply. So here’s the thing you go to the seven million on linked in close your eyes and You know pick one lor. You could do something a little more proactive. And in your self interest to a certain degree I wouldn’t use the self interest to approach somebody else but I think it has to start inward I find the the most pushback from people that I talked to about especially those who were saying. I don’t know what I WANNA do when I grow up. I don’t know what job to apply for based on my background background. Whatever that is that they don’t put the time into doing the research and I understand that point of view? Research is not something that I would say I enjoy he doing. It’s certainly not fun to slow down the pace of getting out there and meeting people or putting out resumes or whatever that is because I it just I prefer keeping a fast pace research slows that down but I know that about myself and so if I can dedicate a certain amount of time to just doing the research I I benefit from that. If I’m not making time I never have time. I think that’s a could be filled philosophically. Said you can’t make time sure. I you have to invest the time. Yeah I have been is for those who are too busy. Nobody’s too busy to do what they need to do. It’s just that whatever is their priority. The in the moment is keeping them from doing something else. Fine that might be higher value right and recognizing them right okay so I would much rather send out ten resumes and then take take the rest of the day to sit at the beach. Great you know that about yourself own it. If you actually want that job or you want to figure out what job you WANNA do. You’re GONNA and a half to make that the priority. You’re going to spend your time doing that. It’s not a matter that people don’t have time it’s that they don’t make the time in the sense that they’re not making it a priority to spend their time.

00:15:02 – 00:20:01

Accordingly highest and best activity. I is a challenge that everybody has if you can see the end before. Were you seeing the beginning. That’s where I think. A lot of people trip up is they’re trying to go to the end without seeing the beginning. I and that’s what the applications do right they. Oh there’s the end and and that is the enticing part right because now it’s easy right it’s just a straight line we’ll have you ever then set out the the application and three three or four weeks later they come back to you and say okay. We’d like to interview you and all of a sudden you’re thinking I’ve just sent out three hundred applications over the last month. Which one is this and suddenly I have have to go back to it? Well if I’m applying things that have used my strengths that Have keywords about my skills I can start talking about this regardless because has I’m staying on message and your brand really doesn’t change who you are who you are. The things you do might be different the places in which you do that might change range but who you are and how you do. Things doesn’t change right. Like I know you will always be an expressive type. Yes right I will always be analytical. That’s just my thing you know. And so that part doesn’t change about me with that line of thought if you go into a highly expressive role. Are you going to be happy Hannah. Are you going to do as well as an analytical role. Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t it may be that that’s exactly the way your growth will benefit you in the long run and you probably you have skills. Doing the reverse is true of me. Do I really want an analytical job. Well that isn’t the first thing. Choose because analysis is not my thing. Strategy is is my top strength. That analyst position could help me build the strategy so that the next position that I man would actually be the strategic position within the company their sway wait stay out of my analytical space. Yeah okay okay. I promise I won’t compete with you for that role. I have space. Oh Yeah on the other side of this Scott and you kind of touched on it in what you said is there’s things here that you’re just not good at or don’t appreciate her or do do well and maybe that’s the research part of things and sometimes you can hire somebody to help walk you through that. And that’s where the value of a coach is really important where you can get. Some value is hire somebody to help you with these things. If you don’t know right I can’t think of the name of the website but but I know there’s one. There’s probably several where you can actually find tutors. That can help you with these things if you’re not going to connect with a professional coach because you’re afraid they will charge too much or whatever I totally get that. There are other avenues to find people who can coach you through the things that you need to up your game on or whatever that is I would also your point on research. I have learned how to do good research. I’ve never learned to enjoy it. I love the outcome Of It so I’m willing to make the effort but there are going to be things that just aren’t my strength so I have to remember that it’s GonNa take me longer to build my skills in my the weaknesses that it would be to build my skills and my strengths which is part of the message from strengths quest and strength finders and Martin respective and yet that tired of going into grow more when dealing with your strengths. That doesn’t mean that’s the only thing you should be doing. We’re suggesting use that to find the kinds of jobs that will resonate with you. That will align with your values that are going to keep you motivated. Don’t pigeonhole yourself in. That either. Talked to coaches talk to people in your network work go to the networking events to have conversations about new ideas. Because if you say to someone I’ve had ten years of experience in this and I’m really looking for something something that’s going to take me out of my coverage zone and okay that’s great. What are your skills? Be ready for that part of the conversation. Then pay attention to what you hear. Yes and and take the advice and then ask another question when I find is people take the advice but they only hear what they want to hear and what they don’t hear or or at least seek is that a person’s perspective on why they see that and often. When I find even with people that I know really well is? They’ll say something and I’ll take it as their opinion when in reality I should take it as what they observed me doing and often their perception is their reality and it may not be mine. That’s that’s absolutely true your perceptions going to indicate a different reality from what they’re doing so that that conversation here we go back to the the book that never been conversation has to be a series of questions so that you’re digging a little deeper again to understand the other person’s perspective not just asking the question to reply that does it for for this episode of Job Seekers Radio. There’s all the show notes in resources available for you at job. Seekers radio DOT COM forward slash zero. Six four go to to our website.

00:20:01 – 00:21:31

Download the Anatomy of networking conversation e book and then as you go into the depths of the content give feedback icon this. What is it that if there’s a question that you have that we haven’t answered yet or if you’ve run into a networking situation that is different from what we’re talking about bringing that up so we can address those? You can leave comments. Right on the webpage for this episode you can also click the contact us button if you have any questions that will come to us by email. Either way as perfectly acceptable Eh. We and we do want the question. Yes we do occasionally have episodes where we address or respond to questions that we get from the listeners. And we want feature one of your questions in fact for those who continue to listen. We’re we know that another QNA episode is coming up soon. Well thank you for joining. Ask for this episode. Your investment of time and attention is greatly appreciated If you’re on the itunes platform go ahead and go there and subscribe to get future episodes while there. We’d really appreciate if you just give a rate and review. It allows us to make this a better product for you and also spreads the message of hope and missile in terms of networking for the jobs. That you really want. We’d love to reach more people so I’m Scott and I’m Andrew in the words of Marcel Proust. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes. But in having you is perspective makes everything is perspective bye-bye.

Anatomy of a Networking Conversation

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