036 Preparing Now For Your Career After College Graduation

Advanced planning after College requires a proactive approach. Thinking about your future is not wasted time for anyone.

Scott and Andrew discuss some ideas and techniques you can utilize now to make a difference in your career future.

Don’t miss these Topics:

  • Whenever your education ends, prepare for it now.
  • Employment Types during and after college to consider.
  • Building an online presence.
  • Activities that will lead in your desired career path
  • Ways to identify target companies and industries 
  • What should I do with LinkedIn?
  • How should I approach the people I want to network with? 

Resources (including affiliate links)


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00:00:00 – 00:05:04

Welcome to job seekers radio. I’m Andrew, and I’m Scott this production is meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers faster. Whether you’re working or not today seekers radio were talking about how to prepare for college graduation after college that is or any graduation experience, I suppose, and what do I do? Now, we are prior episode. We talked about the choices that we might make and this sort of relates to that were sort of addressing those who think they have a career path. They know basically what they want to do. But they don’t know how to take the first steps or maybe there’s just too many steps to choose from. But how do I make these kinds of decisions? And there are probably as many different ideas on how to address this. As there are people. You can talk to which is kind of the point. Well, we recognize that the people listening to this may be in school. They have obligations to fulfil their they have term papers and final prepare for and all those things the responsibilities. Of school having time or margin to actually participate in these activists is really important. So that you’re not doing it last minute, right? Really? I think this process is to be a little more proactive. Hopefully, you’re not waiting until you know, spring semester of your senior term right before graduation and crossing your fingers because that’s really not a strategy. No, it isn’t. It’s not even a plan. But it’s what a lot of do. We think we know what we’re going to do. And we just wait till the moment to strike, and we jump and we realize we’re not landing where we thought we would. So there are a whole lot of things that we can do to prepare for that graduation. Whether that graduation is finishing a training program and jumping into a career, it could be an that could be within a company, it could be the actual university degree, whatever that looks like the idea is getting out into the world before you graduate and finding out the the. Specifics about this one of the first things that people talk about his internships. There are a number of internships out there. Some are paid many are not. And that’s something you’re going to want to consider if you’re in a situation where you need an income and unpaid internship may be an option if you plan it, well, it’s going to a little pressure. It’s all good just be prepared for that, many states actually have written laws that may prevent or preclude people from hiring, unpaid interns. So in in a lot of states. It’s going to vary on where you’re at. But you may be able to get a paid internship, most of the time it didn’t used to be that way. That’s great. But the other thing they consider as full-time employment is that you may be in school now, and you may be able to get full-time employment at your intended target company. There’s also ideas that you may be able to get on campus employment. If you haven’t explored that already the idea that you get to work in your industry, at least on the academic side of your industry before you get. Out into the real world. These are all good opportunities to to be employed. You know, having most if not all of the same responsibilities and deliverables that you’re going to need in the outside world. I would recommend doing as much as your time and ability allows some people can really drive themselves have known people who had a fulltime job a part time job and went to school fulltime and thrive because that’s just where they get their energy. There are others that tried that and failed at everything. So they brought themselves back to just their academic career. And they started thriving, again, whatever your style is whatever works for you. That’s what you should be doing. But you’ve got to start doing things that are going to lead you in the direction of a career, and that starts a lot of times with this kind of networking for internships or other kinds of extracurricular work. You also may identify a handful of temporary agencies that interact with the companies you’re interested in. Looking for where even in the industry that you’re interested in there, maybe agencies that that actually specialize in those kind of industries? So that’s something to think about or consider when you’re going through this process. Also, if you know people who do contract work in the industry that that you would be interested in you may be able to help them in such a way that you start getting experience you want, and there’s very little investment that you need to make and your often don’t have to commit to long term deliverables while it may not be that you’re actually doing the work you’d be interested in doing. But you’re in the company you’re interacting with people. You get to see from the inside -ly. How does this really work what sort of conversations or having? What problems do I typically see in the marketplace that I might be able to solve? So that I know. Okay. I see where I fit because I think for people coming out of college. They don’t always see where do I fit? I just don’t know. And so by getting in there and actually doing an internship part time job or even volunteering.

00:05:04 – 00:10:02

I’ve seen people volunteer to do work for free. Pro Bono may depending on how much margin you have in your schedule. Of course. And that has led to something you bring that point up. And I think about somebody that I spoke with fairly recently. He’s very interested in social activism, but social activists don’t get paid for their work. In most cases, it’s usually something that there is some kind of grassroots effort that is starting and people get involved because they’re passionate about it. But he wants to do more of that. But he needs to make money doing it. So this is one of those things where the networking is really going to pay off in the long term. But he admits he may need to take a job to at least pay the bills while he pursued that it’s kind of a balancing act for him. What I think is his talent is being mindful of the opportunities as they arise. So he’s been able to tap into things that help him. He knows his passion is still there. So how does he keep doing that? Will that’s probably eighty. Percent of the solution is knowing what you’re passionate about and going out and doing the hard work of networking and identifying people and taking time out of your school, schedule, your work schedule and all these different things to actually do the hand to hand combat that is job. Search is a lot easier. When you’re chasing, something that matters to you. If you’re the type to read the news, for example, or certain publications where they’re talking about the things that you do get passionate about your considering for a career. They are usually in these stories going to mention organizations that are active in it. That’s a good starting point to do research on the companies that are doing what you want to do and company I use that in a very general sense. It doesn’t have to be a capitalist organization. It could be a social organization, but whatever that company is they’re doing what you wanna do do some research on them. Find out who it is. That’s making decisions who’s getting out into the community. How do you get involved? They will probably pick you up fair. Quickly. This is an opportunity for you to start making a list, right? Make a list of companies make a list of job titles. Keep track of postings that you’re seeing in the marketplace. And people you admire right? And so whatever those sources are compile them somewhere. So that you can actually address it look at it makes them decisions kind of map out what the post graduation experience like for you. So that you hit the ground running when you’re done this great idea because now you’re going to be able to see where a lot of these dots connect anyway. And you wouldn’t know that just by getting involved in a single of volunteer activity by doing that kind of research and Saint who’s connected to whom and how these interrelate your going to walk in now with more knowledge than you had. If all you’re relying on was the class that you took in whatever it is that you’re passionate about. So I would encourage you if you’re in college now, get yourself linked in profile start cataloging, the experiences, you’re. You’re undergoing in some your college projects some of the volunteering stuff you’re doing on campus. If you’re doing work study talk about the work study programs, you’re in start documenting some of this stuff. So that when you get to the point that you want to share that with other people, then you have it you have it somewhere Lincoln is also a good resources a search engine. So if you’re trying to add to your list of companies or people or to do research as we talked about Lincoln exceptional database of information that you can take advantage of even while you’re in school, right? And especially while you’re in school, the topic of connecting with people in Lincoln, something we’ve we’ve discussed in other podcasts. But it is very useful. In this context. The idea is you don’t just send a request to connect. If you don’t have a message on that a lot of people simply won’t spend the time to look if they don’t already know you, or at least they remember having met, you some fashion. They. They may not respond at all. It’s usually a good idea a best practice when sending a link request to explain why you’re asking them make sure that it’s obvious. You’ve put some thought into this and ask them for information or advice. This is something that whatever reason you’re looking for work as you’re working your network. If you ask somebody if they have a job, they generally won’t. But if you ask them for information or advice about your area of interest, many people will give you at least the advice if they don’t have specific information. So here’s your opportunity as you’ve done this research, you’ve find people whether it’s in the news or somewhere else that they seem to be dialed into what you want to do ask them to connect. But tell them why tell them what you’ve already been working on. And then ask them for information and advice and the chances are pretty good.

00:10:02 – 00:15:01

You’ll get a response -absolutely willingly leave link. In the show notes that go over all those topics including a series that we’ve done on the anatomy of networking conversation. We’ve also converted that into an e book for you to download on the website. Just go to job seekers radio dot com. You’ll see plenty of links there to access that information. I think that the moral of that story is there’s always somebody to talk. Some Luke n we can either stay in our little bubble of school and party and learn and do whatever, but we can also take a chance and reach out to people. We don’t know even though it may be uncomfortable to have a conversation to learn something as clan. So eloquently tells us, right? I’m just looking to learn something and have fun. There is a lot to be said about leaving your comfort zone. And there are whole bunch of quotes out there that that I’m not gonna try to to reiterate. But if getting out there is not your thing. It’s not your style preference. You would much rather stay reactive. There’s nothing wrong with being. Active. It’s just not going to work as quickly. And if you’re about to graduate, you probably don’t have the time year gonna need to push yourself to reach out and for those for home getting out of the comfort zone comes more easily. Or this is already something you’ve practiced and you get excited about good for you. Don’t beat yourself up over whatever position you’re in. But do get out there be the person who makes the first the first movement on this. There’s al- always someone out there that you can talk to whether that’s in your location, if it somebody say in another country, but who is really well versed on it. They will have something of interest to you. So don’t hesitate to reach out. I would suggest that if you’re young and you’re just coming out of college. You need don’t have a lot of constraints that you should not put constraints on your search and a lot of times unless there’s you know. Of course, there’s things that come up where you have to be close a family. I get all that. So you. May have some undrinkable non-negotiable constraints. I get it. But if you if you don’t don’t constrain anything, okay until you know, exactly what you wanna do keep geography open be willing to relocate anywhere for the right opportunity. And if you think you have some kind of restriction within your realm of responsibilities talk to the people involved because you may not be as restricted as you think it could be in your head when you’re planning this thing out, if I’m looking at the time horizon, and I’ve got, you know, eighteen months till graduation or even six months to graduation. I’m keeping my field of vision open. Right. So that I’m considering jobs anywhere considering most any title, any company until I know exactly what it is. I want you know, this brings up a point to me that what we’re dealing with his change management that the primary concern when facing change is that there’s a process you go through there there several their whole bunch of different. Theories out there, and the different stages, you go through the the one that I’ve been working with most recently is a methodology on how to actually embrace and implement change, but you go through a period of gaining awareness, and then gaining desire to do it. You need to work on your knowledge of whatever it is that you’re going to be changing too. But the idea is focusing on your current state and keeping your eye on your future state, but as your working through this remember that you are constrained most by those internal roadblocks that happened the external roadblocks whether it’s money, whether it’s your current position, whatever that is those you can work with because you know, what they are. It’s the internal roadblocks generally keep us from from taking our next step. So that’s probably what we need to work on. I and I’m sure there’s no lack of Zion. Right. So you mentioned money, I’m thinking also student loan debt. Right. Is that I’ve only got so much runway to find a job before I have to pay that debt. So the sooner you can make that decision without having to make a decision maybe to go back to school. So you can defer your debt that you can add more death. You know? So there’s this kind of vicious cycle that happens if if you’re not proactive in this process now, that’s a really good point. Again action is going to help you even if it’s not where you’re most comfortable, whatever you do do it now. That’s right. But every do so if you’re headed, you know, preparing for graduation, or you know, somebody who’s preparing for graduation. Would you just share this podcast with them? We would like to open up their minds and help support their success. Yeah. You’ll you’ll find the show notes and the resources they’re all job seekers radio dot com forward slash zero three six while. You’re there we have a free gift for you. It’s it’s an electric download of anatomy of networking conversation.

00:15:01 – 00:16:01

It’s an e book that will walk you through the steps required to have a successful networking. Reaction in the marketplace. And we’d love to have you help others with that as well. You got it when you have a chance if you hop on over to tunes, this is where all of the rate in review infrastructure is really important to the success of our podcast. And I think if you’ve gotten value from this, I would hope your rate in review would help someone else see the value as well. And if you have some feedback on what we could do that will help you more give us that information to we love answering questions, we’d like getting this feedback. So please don’t don’t hesitate to tell us how we could help you further you can access that tunes Lincoln seekers radio forward slash items. That’ll take you right to the page where you can leave a review for us. Thanks everybody for joining us. I’m Scott, and I’m Andrew until next time until time start where you are with what you’ve got right now. Go for.

Anatomy of a Networking Conversation

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