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Don’t miss these Topics:
- Is it a bad idea to quit a job over an abusive boss? by XNekoGhostX
- Would an employer rather see continuous long term employment in one position, or shorter positions (6-12 months) in various positions IF it was showing professional growth? by mrsabf
- Can I leave some jobs off my resume? by NumerousImprovements
- 18 and ready to graduate high school. Curious if what I want to do is a viable option? by The_pomade_prince
- I’m 24 and was just passed up for a significant promotion. I don’t feel like there is much left for me at this company, what do I do? by Metesheriff
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View Transcript 00:00:00 – 00:05:00 <music>? This is a production man to provide meaningful support to find great careers faster. Whether you’re working or not today on job seekers radio were actually answering a plethora of questions from read it at least four or five whatever we have time for. That’s right. And so we often find that there’s a lot of great content and support unread it as a platform so that you can get farther along in your career, right? There are more than five questions on read it. But we’ve chosen a few to address today there will be some others in the future. But this is a good place to start the first one that we’re going to address here is from Nico ghost. Who wrote isn’t a bad idea to quit a job over an abusive boss, and the back story is I’ve been working at this job for over five months now, and it was fun. But lately, my boss has been meaner and meaner to me like she’ll tell me, I’m worthless one minute. And then tell me I’m doing a great job the next and co workers have been telling me that. She talks about me behind my back saying I do nothing while I’m in the middle of doing something it’s gotten so bad that other co workers are trying to protect me as best. They can I really don’t want to quit as loved the job itself. But my boss makes me want to cry every day, and it’s hard to find jobs in my area. Anyway. So should I stick it out? Or would it be better to move on? And find a new job. Yes. Always be looking for a new job. That’s great advice. Those of us who have been through sales for any length of time in our careers know that a good salesman never stops. Looking now with that said the abuse needs to stop. And if you have not yet had a conversation about how you feel about these interactions that would be the first step and a lot of people are intimidated, or they feel like they can’t have that conversation because they don’t know how to give that kind of feedback without it seeming like an accusation. We’ll name might be afraid to get fired. Exactly you go any kind of retaliation. Yeah. I mean, I don’t wanna be looking over my shoulder either. Right because in environment where you want to build trust with your co workers. You don’t want the boss hamstring India? You’ll also on your coworkers to do all the work for you. Because that is going to do as packed your confidence. I always recommend people. Ask permission. Meaning whenever you have an observation you’re making about a superior or somebody that you don’t feel comfortable having a conversation with. Hey, scott. You know, would it be okay. If I share something with you. I think might be helpful for both of us to make our career or work load here better. Yeah. I think that’s a great idea. Because now you’re actively engaging them before you talk about what’s difficult by by doing. So you’re starting the conversation with a yes, if they say, no, I don’t have time then bring it up later. But the idea is you do want to engage them with them making the first. Choice to say yes at that point. I usually go with the SBA model for giving feedback and that is situation behavior impact. Basically what you do is you set up the feedback by putting it in a situation. Like if something has happened with your boss where she has made this comment that your worthless. This morning when we were talking, and then you’ve you’ve put it in the situation you then provide observable behavior use said, I was worthless. Now, you don’t want to think for them by saying you’re angry, or you’re you’re interpreting there because the facts just the fast share the fact exactly so the situation this morning when we were talking you said, I was worthless. And then the third step is giving the impact because no one can argue with the feelings that you had or the impact that it had on you because you’re only speaking for yourself. So this morning when we were talking you said, I was worthless. That really undermined my confidence in my work. Now, she can’t argue with that. She might say, oh, you shouldn’t have that. That’s not to her to decide what you should or shouldn’t feel by providing this information. Your now starting the conversation about what happened for you without pointing fingers at her if she handles it poorly. I think the next step is. Yes, you should be looking for another job. In the meantime, you probably want to look for another job anyway. Because abuse is never okay. Once you drop that bomb on your boss, though, you should probably not just let it lie there certainly give him an opportunity to respond, right? But give him an opportunity to say. Hey, here’s how I would actually do. Well, here’s what actually works better for me. So I can be an advocate for what experience I want as an employee instead of doing this. Here’s what would be helpful for me. Exact share that with you. That’s another. Yes yet. Right. The anytime. You can get another. Yes. I’ve really appreciate is. If you just come to me and say, how do you want this work done and ensure with the details of that? So that I can provide you what you want, and you can be successful another thing, then you can do with that specific scenario is to ask the person to please elaborate on what they actually meant. If they were sincere in in saying, I think you’re worthless. I think that’s good information have habit doesn’t feel good. But at least you’re getting them to make the commitment to that statement. If it was just being said in the heat of the moment, that’s something that that individual leader can avoid in the future. So in any case what you’re doing is asking for more of their story to figure out what really is behind it. Because if in fact, you’re able to engage in a healthy conversation now, you can go further to say this isn’t going to work for me in the future. Now, obviously, I don’t think anyone should say it that way. But when you tell the supervisor. This is what works for me to get more from me. The supervisor would be stupid not to do it. Right. If it’s within that person’s capability there. There’s there are a lot of things that can be said. But ultimately, providing a solution is a really good idea if you can get there on the other side, if you have had these kinds of conversations before if you have tried other things if you’ve had any kind of mediator whether formal or informal sit in on some these conversations, and it still hasn’t worked the chances are pretty good that this individual is not going to change, and it would probably be in your best interest to find a better position. Even if there aren’t a lot of jobs in your area. Just continuing the job search can create a sense of hope in yourself. So that you can be more resilient in these negative situations. It gives you options you you now have options to do. Do what it is. You wanna do? And look at this as a great career development opportunity because often I’ve seen it personally. I don’t know if this is your experience, Scott, but I’ve seen it often that people end up in leadership positions on accident. But they’d never been given any leadership training or they don’t know how to manage people returned. So they think they should manage people by telling them what to do. Right. And if they have moved up without any kind of training, they may provide the same kind of leadership they had which could be just as bad. But if they don’t know anything better they’re going to keep doing it so Meco ghost. What you can do is look at this as a career development opportunity right at you can practice this process, which is actually going to help you become a leader yourself. The way you handle the little things is way the handle the big things and often we learn how to lead people by learning what we’re not going to do from the leaders. We’ve had so keep it in a journal write keep. Journal of things not to do seriously that it again, it helps you to reframe the situation if it is truly abusive, and you get more of this down talk for lack of a better term where she’s insulting you talking behind your back isn’t necessarily something you need to worry about because that’s not a reflection on you people may not view it that way all the time. But really that’s gossip is a reflection of the person giving it so just don’t engage don’t do the same thing. Stay above that. Well, we don’t wanna make any sumptious. This is some garden variety short abusive situation. So it could be worse than it actually is. Yeah. And they’re just not sharing that with us. So if that’s the case, you certainly want to talk to folks, if you have an HR department, there’s probably people in HR, these should be talking to you should also document these things when they happen and CYA if it gets bad, you might also want to your department of labor in your state, right? We’re in your country, or what have you there’s typically? An organization with the government. That’s there to help you in these events. And where I found is if you don’t document those in advance, you don’t have any repercussion or standing right after you get terminated. And if your company has an e AP an employee assistant assistance program, it’s usually a third party who has an eight hundred number that you can call them making give you advice if this is truly an abusive or a hostile work environment situation. They can actually get involved in helping to report it, and they will give you really good advice on how to protect yourself in that process. Hopefully, this individual isn’t in that kind of a situation. But if it is if you are then the chances are you’d need to get a professional involved as well. I think we covered all the bases on that one. So Scott so that brings us to the next question, which is by MRs AB, f with an employer rather see continuous long-term in. In one position or shorter position six to twelve months in various roles, if it was showing professional growth, I know in. Here’s the back story. I know that job bouncing is frowned upon. I am a junior in college and adult learner. So I have a fulltime job that had been in for a year. But by previous jobs were six to nine months in length. I have always moved up in either pay when moving to a new job company morale or job description. So of course, it made sense once I graduate, I will be looking for an HR position. But without the bachelor’s degree. I’m not given a second glance. So I’m trying to look for positions that will veer more towards HR when I graduate. So I will have the experience plus a degree everyone wants. But I worried that leaving another job will only make me look worse. Should I stay at my current customer service job until I graduate or continue the path of trying to move up to do. It makes sense for my future goals. That’s a mouthful. So there’s a lot of components that are so great question. I think there’s really three things that I’m hearing here. One is what people think of me based on my paper resume, right? And so really that’s the question. She’s asking yourself. How do I look on paper because people are giving me a second glance? Well, it might not be the fact that you had a bunch of different jobs. It may be that they never looked at your resume. Even though you send it in. Let’s be clear that just having something on paper doesn’t make it true. And certainly doesn’t isn’t a good barometer of skill competency, or what have you right, one of the things about a resume that I tell people that I’ve coached is that it is only a snapshot of the past. It is not the application your official application needs to show all of the jobs that that you’ve had, but you resume is just to give an idea of how you might fit in the role and within the organization so as far as that’s concerned if you aren’t putting every. Thing on your resume that seems to be okay. Most hiring managers, certainly from my own perspective as I have been recruiting and and hiring. I’m not so much worried about what’s on the resume. When looking for is those transferable skills or direct skills that will apply to the job for which I’m hiring? And if I think the way the grammar is used or whatever it is the other elements how they may show a fit, quite frankly in terms of job bouncing, I wouldn’t worry so much about that. We’ve talked in previous podcasts about used to be that you would you know cradle to grave with one company. And now the longest somebody is in the tenure is about forty six months. Yeah. And it’s going down. Yeah. Jumping from job to job isn’t what it used to be. It’s not as bad of a thing. It’s actually more common. So again, I wouldn’t worry about that much. Either. The third thing that that I’m seeing is the the discussion about. Moving into HR having done that myself. I was going for my masters screen HR. I got my certification with both HR CI and Sherm and all of this. I was struck when the college that I was going to from a master’s degree said in their description of the HR masters program that a master’s degree in HR would prepare me for an entry level position. And at that why? Yeah, why am I going to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to get a masters degree to start from scratch, and the reason is many people whether it’s HR or other departments a lot of people will hire and promote people based on the way they were hired and promoted they don’t want anyone else to have a faster route to success than what they had if you’re being screened out because you haven’t had X number of years of experience, plus this degree and that certification everything else. I would say keep looking. For the people who are looking at you, not just what’s on your resume or or what’s after your name. A lot of these programs are really just moneymakers university education is about making money. There are a few universities that are truly about education. That is where I would put my effort in terms of my educational pursuits when it comes to a job in HR. I would say get into an HR department at a lower level as soon as you can leave the customer service job, and I’ve worked customer service. So if you’re really good at that that can actually help you get into an HR job as soon as you can. And then work your way up while you’re getting your degree. They’re really going to tie into that. Or she’s really asking. I assume it’s a she misses AB f I think she’s really asking, you know, can I really do this. And so she’s questioning her maybe her confidence in her ability to do that kind of work. And so as a mindset, she really needs to decide. Side or ask yourself a better question. And that is why are why do you wanna be in HR, that’s our growth as it about that that you like what are you doing now on your customer service role that would translate to HR? How can there are many things that would totally because all each are really is is internal customer service. Let’s hope so. Yeah. Well, they should be servicing the employees. Right. Isn’t always the case. But there are people who look at HR that it’s a process it’s not about people that I find that attitude unfortunate. But I understand how they get there. Because there are a lot of processes involved, especially when we’re talking about legal issues and the like and preventing the bad things. I understand that. There’s a lot of process involved in that. But if HR really is your goal, then I would say don’t hesitate to get into it. Because there’s a lot to like about an HR career. Yes. Don’t worry about your tenure. But be prepared for the fact that somebody might ask you that question because they have that mindset. Right. So. Even though you know, that it isn’t applicable to you it could be that somebody’s gonna ask that question. Anyway. So you need to back up your answer with confidence and described how the six to nine months engagements or tenure actually served to their benefit. Exactly. So really it’s about you being able to pitch that in a different way positioning it as a strength versus of owner ability. Right. And the idea if they’re coming out this that your past as a predictor of your future, even impart than here’s where you really work on painting the picture about the way you advance and you advanced quickly, but there’s also your values that you can speak to when you’re talking about the improved morale. There’s a whole lot that you can actually apply that jumping from job to job to show that this is going to be a benefit to them. But enter your you hit the nail on the head your confidence is what’s going to convince them. Not your resume. So don’t lean on your resume lean on your confident. Yeah. All right. So numerous improvements asked the question, can I leave some jobs off my resume, and the back story is I’m applying for roles this coming week and fine tuning my resume. I’ve job hopped a little bit in the last five years and some roles I’ve done have very little relevance. If any to the role some applying for I also don’t want to give my resume walls of tax in the form of different jobs in companies, and the tasks I completed when they won’t help my chances at all they’re likely just make my interview or skim over it all the more. Can I leave out some rolls? It will look like there are some gaps in my working career though. Could I also leave a note to to say that for brevity I’ve left out certain relevant roles. I mean, this is a great question. However, you know, if you really early in your career, you’re not gonna have a lot of established experience. Right. If you’re early in your career, I would say leave all that stuff in. I haven’t seen a role yet. Get that can be repositioned and molded to what I’m seeking numerous improvements. It’s really important focus on a future. That’s inspiring to you. This idea of having noble ambition for a purpose is really important, then you can align. Everything you’ve ever done. Right. You’re with your purpose. Exactly. Now went if there is something that truly is out of of left field. It doesn’t apply to anything personally. Just as I said with the last question, the resume is not the application, if you’re going to leave things out, then leave him out because if the gap is going to be important, they’re going to ask you about it. And you can say I spent a couple years doing something completely different wasn’t my bag decided to come back to the line that I was going for it. Again, speaking with confidence they’re going to accept that on face value. I think you’re right. You don’t want to give a wall of text in the form of different jobs. If you do have dissimilar jobs one after the other. Certainly there are transferable skills in every one of them that probably apply to what you are applying for now. So that’s what you want to list. So that even though the job title may change, the company may change, the idea of the work that you do isn’t changing it’s showing specific trajectory that leads you right to their doorstep. If you need help on this side, we have done I think several different podcasts on finding your why? Or what have you Simon cynic the golden circle or finding your y or it starts with why? Anyway, we’ll leave that in the show notes because I think it’s critically important recognized that resume. Yes, it’s part of the process, but you’re gonna find more traction if you get into the networking site at things, right? And once you start with networking, people are gonna know you before they know your resume, and in your at a distinct advantage that all that stuff that’s on paper that two dimensional past of yours is less relevant. And they may not even read it at that point. They may like you so much. Much that they hire you based on the way you present yourself in person. And by speaking to your fly that the reason why you get up in the morning and do the work that you do this is going to be far more compelling to a potential employer. Anyway, if you think about your personal branding, which we’ve talked about another podcast, if you think about creating your own brand and everything you talk about is in alignment with that your resume will fall under that line as well. So everything sounds and looks consistent. This is going to serve you a lot better than worrying about whether or not you have a really easy to see job gesturing on a resume. The resume is not as important as you think. Yes. It’s the thing that they expect to see if the application process is all done online, which so many of them are make sure that your cover letter is expressing what that trajectory really means. So that then they can look at the resume in its context now with that sad. A lot of companies aren’t really going that deep. They don’t read the cover letter until after the resume. Anyway, if that’s the case, I would say just keep trying keep getting out there. Don’t worry about the ones that don’t call. You think only about the ones that will and be prepared for those calls take a both and strategy. That means hey, yes, I should apply. Yes. I should have a cover letter. But I wouldn’t leave it there. Right. Who do I know in the company who can have a conversation with if this role really fits me? Well, I wanna be in a position to influence that process, and you don’t do that over the internet. Yeah, it’s impossible to do that. And don’t think that it’s your resume that socks when you don’t get a response from it where I it could be that company. Never even looked at your resume because they’re they’re automated system didn’t pull it up. It’s unfortunate. But it’s the reality of the world we live in. So never take that personally. Always look for a person that you can send that document to and how conversation with about how you’re the perfect fit that brings us. The next question from the poem made prints poem aid, pod pa- mod looks French eighteen and ready to graduate high school. Congratulations curious, if what I want to do is a viable option. I love this. I mean, even that question makes me wanna say, yes, this is the backstory like the title implies, I am eighteen and soon to be graduating from high school I have decided not to go to a traditional university. But rather to pursue a trade? I’ve been interested in autumn Canucks for quite a while. Now and have given it thorough thought that this is something I want to do. However, I have been told that oughta Canucks don’t get compensated. Well in my state, I wonder who’s telling him that. I am still keeping auto mechanics in my head because I really want to learn the ins announce, but what are some of the other traits that pay well bonus points for demand in Florida. Thanks. Well, it’s been awhile since I lived in Florida. I can’t answer the question. What trades would be good? I other. Than electrons and plumbers always get paid. Well, I’m not sure I want to do that kind of work myself. I mean, I do home electrical work, but I don’t touch the plumbing. I I love where this starts, and I’m going to current you to do what interests you, I know someone who started college. This was a few years back. He started college and his real love was autumn Canucks, and he had been rebuilding a an Oldsmobile four forty two in his garage. He was really interested in doing that. So finally, he dropped out of college. He started working in his parents garage fixing cars he had and they lived in a nicer community. So he couldn’t do it in the driveway. It was difficult to do. But he did it and eventually he opened up his first shop was he paid extraordinarily. Well, maybe not. But the autumn Canucks that I’ve taken my cars to make a decent amount. And they have significant overhead the these guys. Aren’t going hungry? But this this guy that I knew years ago, he persevered he now owns three mechanic shops. He’s doing quite well, he has a number of kids his his wife as a stay at home mom, and they live in northern California. And which is not talking you’ll Inca or one of the rural areas, we’re talking San Jose. He can make money there. Now, it’s not Florida. But I believe they drive the same cars in Florida that they do in California. So if that’s your passion Icee, go for it. I would look maybe at a different route for you. And that is validate all of your assumptions, you’re zooming that auto mechanics is the way you wanna go you have interest in that great go talk to his many people as you can that do that kind of work for a living. And you don’t wanna look for the rule. You wanna look for the exception to the rule. Meaning if eighty of them told you that the nobody can make money in Florida doing this. But there’s twenty that say yes, and they are. Glad to the twin. Actually are doing it. And then ask them how they did it. Right. What are they doing differently than the eighty that you talked to that aren’t making and take lots of notes this is where networking is going to support your success. Well, not only that. But let’s say you’re talking to one of those twenty and they’re giving the advice. Ask him could I come for one day and work with you to see what it’s like to work in your shot. And not that. I I want to. I’m not asking for a job. I’m asking you to let me come in. And learn from you that is completely different ask I don’t know a lot of people who say, no, I’m not going to have you come if you’re truly interested. They’ll know and the likelihood that they could mentor you people like to help other people success succeed. Wow. So much for that grammar people like helping other succeed. And so when you give them that opportunity to help you the chances are pretty good. They’re going to pick up on it. If it’s coming from your heart, and you talking to people about it. They’re going to get excited you because you’re. Cited for yourself. So here’s so just a couple of things at eighteen. I would highly recommend one do something that’s in mechanics. Even though you’re not a mechanic. So you could be a tow truck driver. You could be a shop guy who cleans the cars registered in the front, whatever it takes just get something one step closer to that. Great. The second thing I would consider in this isn’t for everybody. But I guarantee you that there is a military program that you could take advantage of that’s going to help you get those mechanical skills, and they’ll pay you to do it. Now. That’s if you’re interested in getting into the military that I will say that’s not for everybody. But I know a lot of people that have found that to be a really good way to get in. It was actually when I enlisted back in eighty seven the two professions that they needed the most was Cormon, which is a nurse, which makes sense. You’re in the military people are gonna get hurt or they’re gonna get shot. And you know, he needs somebody there to patch them up and the second one was diesel mechanic, and they were offering va. Very large bonuses right to people who actually signed up for that. In a broader sense for those who are listening who are have a similar question. What do I do? I’m I don’t wanna go to the university. I wanna go into the traits. I would say do it because there is a lack of people going into the traits right now. So the chances of making money are much higher now than they were fifty seventy five years ago when a lot of people were going into the traits because university was not an option for them. What’s interesting is to think that that’s happening again now where university education has become so expensive that fewer and fewer people are actually choosing that go into the trades. If there’s something that really interests you, and I’m thinking it, stirs your passions rent gopher doing it. Yeah. And then I don’t know if you follow like micro on dirty opposite. He does scholarships for people who. Wanna go into the trade? So you might and we’ll put this in the show notes. You might go to a micro works, and they he has a whole bunch of different scholarship programs there. He has lists. I think of different companies that offer internships or some kind of educational program where hey, they put you through this long program eighteen to twenty four months, and you come out, and they guarantee you a job at the end fantastic. I’m telling you if I had had that kind of talent I see the benefit if I had gone that way rather than university as it is. I got a good degree from a good university. And actually used my degree for number of years. Now, I’m doing what I’m really passionate about which probably ties more to my first career of acting than it did to the degree. I got all of this life. Experience has put me in the position where I am today that I have so much more to offer because of my experience you are going to be an exactly the same situation. If you’re following what truly interests you whether people say, you’re gonna make money or. Not you will find that the worst road blocks that you’ll ever face are the internal ones. What happens inside your own head? Not what other people say to you. And listen to what they say. But don’t take it in as gospel. Right, right. So it’s good to get the advice as your and take that in. But don’t take personally or or don’t assume that it’s the true, right? If the truth that person may not be the truth for you. Right. Exactly. Great advice. So this is the last question. It’s from meet sheriff mitt met sheriff and sheriff. Yes. So here’s the question. I’m twenty four and was just passed up for a significant promotion, I don’t feel like there’s much left for me at this company. What do I do? Here’s the backstory, he asked should I bring this up with the president along with all the things I’ve accomplished that? I believe make me leagues ahead of the other person who received the promotion, I was recently passed up for that for mechanical engineer to engineering manager for context, I’m twenty four Kashi so much. And have been working in this place for eleven months the person who instead received the promotion is a year or two Hetemi and has been working for six to eight months longer. Yeah. I think that you’re probably passed up for promotion based on seniority rather than skills. And honestly, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that on its face. If the president of the company feels that your skills were about even then I’m going to guess that the criteria for the promotion was the the tenure and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. If you feel that your work has been superior to those of your colleagues, I would find very gentle way of presenting that because you’re going to be going to be a fine line between cockiness and confidence in this case. I would say first of all if you’re going to bring it up with the president you should start out by being great. For the job that you have. And that you look forward to a long career with this. This is having the opportunity to interview for this position. And even being considered in the company of people that have more grow tenure more experience. And who knows what else? Yes. But I’m assuming here that you’re early in your career you’ve been in this company for a short time. You maybe haven’t built trust with anybody. Yes. You may have done. Good work. Yes. You may be highly qualified, and yes, you may be should’ve gotten that position. But somebody else had trust and that takes time. And that means getting your hands dirty building relationships with people. Right. So we’ve been talking so many times about networking. It sounds to me like perhaps some internal networking as in order here. Not just with the president because that might give a different impression. Instead, how can you collaborate with your peers? So that you become a leader without the authority influence is a funny thing it can help you help other people, but it can also. Help yourself. So you don’t wanna be two faced about it. You don’t wanna go in with an ulterior motive, I’m gonna help you and in the back of your head you thinking, so I can look good just help the more. You are helping other people succeed the better that makes you look and that does get noticed overtime. Don’t forget that this might be fresh for you and responding overreacting is really important to recognize. I found I was in that exact same situation when I came out of college I was passed over for a management role in our department after the manager left for a different role in the company, and I wasn’t even considered. And I thought man what’s there must be something wrong with me, or these people are out to get me just recognize that there could be other things going on in your head that you don’t wanna be out networking right away and building relationships with these people if you’re like will why did you get it? And I did right. Just check your attitude and maybe find out why without asking why? And having a little patience can help to. Okay. So I’m disappointed. There’s nothing. Wrong with my feeling disappointed for being passed over. But at the same time. How can I do the work that I’m doing right now better? How can I shine more? How can I make sure that the impact I’m having on the company, and my co workers is positive and helping everyone succeed I’m here to tell you that kind of behavior does get noticed. It may not be the, you know, the top sales persons bonus type of behavior may not get that same kind of notice. But it does hell and when people start to recognize that the success has a common thread of this individual now, this individual is being noticed in a different different different people observing that be patient. Well, that’s easy to say hard to do when you’re young right? So have patience means suffering. So be careful what what you thinking about. When you think patients the other thing, I recommend is. Hey, if you wanna stay in this organization, you probably need. To start having strategic conversations on a regular basis with specific stakeholders in the company that you think have the juice to influence your career in the future. And that’s something I overlooked in your early on in my career is more interested in kasha. I got to do the best job enough that that isn’t important, but I’m so focused on doing a good job that I never looked up long enough to say, hey, you know, so and so there’s doing good work, and they seem to have their head on straight, and they seem to have influence with leadership, I should build a relationship with that. So that I can ride their coattails up that up the organization and once again we’re talking about networking. Don’t underestimate the value of building relationships within your organization outside of your own division or department. If you’re becoming friends with people on other teams, you’re going to be seen by other teams there so much that you can do. And this takes time try not to get everything right away. Try to build up to that build that sense of trust. You’ll find that. It’s definitely worth the. Effort, and if you take it from a position of a zero self interest, and which is super hard to do. Right. ’cause you know, you want to get promoted. You know, you wanna move up in the organization, but people who are self interested never make it quite the same the same way. And they end up having to step on people to get where they’re going. So you really have to understand what reputation. Do I wanna have in my career in this organization, and you know, meet share if you want to manage your reputation before any promotion that you would wanna have. Well, that’s it for today. We hope that this has been a lightning for some of you. We will have show notes and resources available at job seekers radio dot com forward slash zero three eight we have a free resource for you. There is called the anatomy of networking conversation. It’s an e book that Scott, I have put together to help you understand the steps required to be successful at networking. Thank you for joining us for this episode. Jobseeker’s radio your investment of time and attention are truly appreciated head on over to itunes. If you haven’t chance there’s actually a Lincoln the show notes at the top to head over to items and actually leave us a rate in review, you can subscribe through that as well. The nice thing about the rate and review is it actually helps us spread this message and bring more people into give them value. Right. That’s really the whole point behind. It is to get more exposure for this message to other people. So please share this with somebody that you know, or that you think might benefit from the content. And if there’s something that you want us to talk about please leave those comments in there too. So we can get back to you. Because there’s no stupid questions. There aren’t so ask away. Well, I’m Andrew, and I’m Scott until next time. Thanks, everybody.
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